Primary Care Navigators
Primary Care Navigators
As a busy practice we are very much part of the local community and patients go to their GP practices for all sorts of reasons:
- for medical help when they feel unwell
- for advice and annual check-ups for managing their long-term conditions to ensure they continue to live a long and healthy life.
- for advice when they don't know where else to turn.

Primary Care Navigators are members of staff that are trained and specialised in providing a wider range of advice, supporting the doctors and nurses. The primary care navigator is a non-clinical staff member in a frontline patient facing role patients probably know them well from the front desk.
They are aware of current locality initiatives, including prevention initiatives and able to offer this information to patients/ service users. The primary care navigator is an expert facilitator and co-ordinator. They have access to a database of services and local groups to help signpost or advise patients.
At the Bewicke Medical Centre we have three care navigators, Emma Beare and Janet Young from reception and one of our secretaries Karen Douglass.
Please ask at the front reception if you require their assistance.