Welcome to Bewicke Medical Centre
Bewicke Medical Centre has around 10.000 patients on their list and covers the Howdon, Willington Quay and Part of Wallsend area.
The surgery has 3 partners and 5 salaried GP's. The surgery is also a training practice and has 2nd year foundation doctors and 3rd , 5th year medicals students each year.
We are confident that our website will provide clear and concise help and give our patients the information they require in an easy and convenient format. It has been designed with the patient’s needs at the forefront of everything, from checking surgery times to letting us know what you think of us.
Opening Times
To Order a Repeat Prescription online
To request a repeat prescription online click on the Prescription Icon at the top of the page above and select order online option. For fitnotes you need to self certify for the first 7 days and if you are still unwell you can then order a fitnote via eConsult below. Repeat Medication requests can not be ordered via e Consult. You cannot order medication via e Consult this is only for Fitnotes
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21/12/2022CCG Patient Forum Newsletter June 2022
19/07/2022PPG Bulletin March 2022
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15/02/2022CCG PF Working Groups Briefing 22.07.2021
25/08/2021PPG Bulletin July 2021
25/08/2021CCG PF Working Groups Briefing 13 May 2021
11/06/2021PPG Bulletin May 2021
11/06/2021Newsletter to VPG May 2021
29/04/2021PPG Bulletin March 2021
24/03/2021NHS Friends and Family

Healthier Together
Healthier Together can enable people to make informed decisions about accessing appropriate local healthcare services for their baby or child. In reducing anxiety among parents of young children, the website and app can avoid unnecessary A&E and GP presentations, and likewise, ensure those who most need to be seen urgently are signposted to seek the correct help. Additional information for young people to find out about issues relevant to them and access support is currently in development.
Find Healthier Together and download the app: https://www.nenc-healthiertogether.nhs.uk/